4 May 2024
Dinner Plain community invited to have say on snow guns


RESIDENTS of Dinner Plain and surrounding areas are invited to share their views on key concept plans announced last week by the Alpine Shire Council.

The Dinner Plain 'Activation Phase 2' and a snowmaking enterprise are important elements of the overall village rejuvenation project.

Elaine Burridge from the Alpine Shire said council wants to be sure the community has opportunity for sharing any feedback before plans are finalised.

"We're confident that the current plans strike a balance between affordability and delivering the priorities of both the community and visitors, but before we move to the next stage of the project we want to make sure we have it right for the community," she said.

The plan includes improvements to recreation spaces, improved connectivity in the village centre and key infrastructure upgrades.

"With the rising costs of construction materials, we've needed to adjust the scope of phase two to ensure the essential needs of the project are being met," Ms Burridge said.

"Important upgrades to infrastructure and facilities will boost visitor numbers and increase amenities for residents."

Ms Burridge said the proposed scope has been workshopped with the local community stakeholder committee, to align with the project objectives and provide the best outcome.

The $2.37 million project is being funded through a $2 million grant from the Federal Government's Bushfire Recovery program and a $370,000 council contribution.

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The current proposal recommends the purchase of a portable snow factory and two snow guns to be erected on Peashooter toboggan slope.

Ms Burridge said the council believes the plan will deliver the most reliable snow conditions for the start of the snow season and its duration.

"The snow factory will provide a snow base on Peashooter early in the season, which will capture more of the early natural snow fall and create the canvas for snow making with the snow guns," she said.

The project has additional support from the Victorian Government's regional infrastructure fund, which aims to stimulate economic and community development.

Dinner Plain residents, business operators and property owners are encouraged to visit council's website to view the plans and complete a short survey.

Ms Burridge said this is a valuable opportunity for the Dinner Plain community to have their say on how key infrastructure works will impact it.

"This is the community's chance to let us know what it thinks," she said.

The survey closes on Sunday, September 18.

More information is available at–your–say/have–your–say–dinner–plain–activation–project.