People and lifestyle
Susan Lunardi - Myrtleford

How long have you lived in Myrtleford?

Over 40 years.

What do you do for a living?

I’m a beauty therapist and a single mum. I’ve just moved my business to Albert Street. It’s a different setting - very serene and pretty views in every window.

What are your hobbies or interests?

I love the footy and I love going for holidays with my kids, going up to the Gold Coast.

What do you like about the area?

The friendly people are what I really enjoy - their good sense of humour. The prettiness of the town and the wildlife - there’s so much wildlife. You also get a beautiful view of the stars at nighttime. When my kids were little they would always grab a beach towel then lie on the grass and stargaze. That's something a lot of city people can't do and we're lucky to have something so beautiful.

Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?

Definitely the Mosaic Trail for sure. Probably out to Lake Buffalo, and the deer farm’s great.

Is there anything you would change about the area?

The town needs more infrastructure, more rentals for people to live in.