People and lifestyle
Nathaniel West - Bright

How long have you lived in Bright?

Twenty-three years next Friday.

What do you do for a living?

I'm an apprentice chef at the Rail Trail Cafe, due to be completed the end of this year and then I will probably continue further studies doing my Cert IV or possibly a Bachelor of Cooking.

What are your hobbies or interests?

I am a local scout leader. I've enjoyed doing that quite a bit - working with the kids, teaching them skills. I like driving around, just having a look. I’ve also been with the State Emergency Service – that’ll be eight years on March 1st as well.

What do you like about the area?

There are plenty of activities. If you can't find something to do In Bright you're not looking hard enough. There are the bike paths, the walking tracks, the rivers, there's the scout group, tennis club. There are activities for any age group. It’s very inclusive.

Is there anything you would change about the area?

Not at the moment. Everything seems to be working pretty well. I'm quite happy with how Bright it is at the moment. It's a nice little town.

Where would you take visitors to showcase the area?

Huggins Lookout is always a beautiful spot because then you can point any other bits and pieces you might like to see. Cherry Walk – that’s always a nice one – and probably just out to Wandi, up to the apple orchard because that’s a nice look too.

Do you have any ambitions for the future?

At the moment, I just want to finish the apprenticeship. I’m looking at going further within the SES and scouts, hopefully becoming group leader of scouts or becoming employed with the SES if possible.